Friday, November 1, 2013

Member profile: Carrie Van Hallgren

Carrie-VanHallgren.jpgProducing Director for Theatre Arts & Dance

Started at the University of Minnesota in July 2012

UMCF member since Fall 2012

Carrie was nominated by Kelly O'Brien who thinks we'll all be envious of her job promoting University Theatre Arts & Dance and the Showboat.

Connect with University Theatre Arts & Dance and the Showboat online:

What excites you about working at the University of Minnesota and for Theatre Arts & Dance?
The Twin Cities is an amazing city for theatre and dance. Our artists are revered locally, nationally, and internationally. Most of those Twin Cities-based theatre and dance artists are working with us, in some form of another. They are teaching and mentoring our students, they are directing, choreographing, designing, and writing for us and with us.

What is your favorite accomplishment at the U, so far?  
This summer we entertained 12,800 audience members on the University of Minnesota Centennial Showboat, a five year high for us, the largest number since the the economy tanked in 2008. The student performers on the boat this summer we extraordinary. I was honored to be working with them.

What is your favorite place on campus?      
Rarig Center. The big concrete bunker is buzzing with art-making 24 hours a day. In every nook and cranny a student or faculty member is creating a scene, a design, or a performance that will move you or shock you.

Your hometown and the first place you lived after leaving your hometown?
My hometown is Platteville, WI. I lived there for 18 years and then moved to Davidson, NC for college.

The Top 3 highlights of my life:  
Aside from wedding my husband and the birth of my two kids, I had the opportunity to work on projects with Royal Shakespeare Company, Manhattan Theatre Club, and Yale Rep as a young professional.

People may be surprised to know:  
My husband put his career in public radio on hold to be a stay at home dad with our two kids.  And he used to work for Ira Glass, so that is really saying something.

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