Tuesday, December 18, 2012

My Favorite UMCF Program

The UMCF Programs Committee has put together a list of some of their favorite programs in recent years. Do you have a favorite program? Join the discussion!

Cullean Colby, Associate Administrator, Carlson IT

My favorite program was last year's "Beginner's Circle: Videography 101". Michael Teachout, the Carlson Instructional Media Coordinator, created a presentation based on the questions
and topics gathered from attendees via a participant survey. The event topics
were perfectly catered to those who attended! We discussed camera options,
general planning for a video shoot, necessary video software, and University
resources. Most of the attendees were able to stay for lunch where we
continued the conversation with more questions and shared similar video related
struggles and issues. I loved watching the attendees collaborate, share
experiences, formulate ideas, and make connections while enjoying pizza!

Melissa Pierce, Communications, Extension Center for Youth

My favorite program was "How to avoid death by
PowerPoint: Tips for giving better presentations" in April 2011. It was
very engaging, funny, and useful. I refer back to many of Todd
Reubold's tips when creating presentations.

Sarah Howard, Communications Manager, School of Journalism and Mass

The most helpful program for me was the Communications Job Study Panel. Within
the U, the communications jobs family had just undergone a restructuring and
some changes were made. UMCF gathered those who were behind the changes and had
them explain the changes and what it meant for communicators. All of my
questions were answered and I learned a lot about how jobs are structured
across the University. I'm not sure where I would have gone for this
information without this panel! With this type of event, I really felt like
UMCF was watching out for me!

O'Donnell, Executive Office & Administrative Specialist, Extension

joined the Communicators Forum earlier this year and have already had the
privilege of attending several great programs. My favorite thus far was the
"For the Common Good" Exhibit at Anderson Library this fall. Not only did I
benefit from hearing more about the archiving services the University libraries
offer communicators and departments on campus, but I also appreciated the
guided tour of the exhibit and the subsequent discussion surrounding the
history of the University of Minnesota as a land grant institution. It was a
great way to feel connected to the University and its strong community of

Katie Evans, Lead Events Coordinator, Institute for Global Studies
The Communicators Forum program that I found most useful was the "Working
with University Relations" on November 15, 2012. It helped me get a better
sense of what types of stories the University was interested in promoting on a
larger scale. The program was also great to put faces with names and be able to
know who the direct contacts for different needs are.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Member survey results - 2012 - Communicators Forum

Thank you everyone who took the Communicators Forum member survey. 125 of our 311 members -- from different campuses and locations -- took the time to let us know what you'd like to see from the University of Minnesota Communicators Forum (UMCF). Your input is greatly appreciated. The Communicators Forum board is meeting next week and will consider this feedback to inform efforts for the next semester and beyond.

There are many ways to maximize your membership and make it your communications year:
Attend a program

Volunteer for a committee - several still need members, it's not too late!

Save the dates for member appreciation (May 29) and conference (June 25)
Feel free to send ideas any time to umcf@umn.edu and to comment on this post to share any ideas for future speakers, topics, member benefits, and other ideas.


125 of our 311 members completed the survey, with representation across different campuses:

Twin Cities East Bank - 60.8% (76)
Twin Cities West Bank - 14.4% (18)
Twin Cities St. Paul - 14.4% (18)
Other - 4% (5 - U areas like Arboretum, Printing Services and non-U members)
Duluth - 2.4% (3)
Morris - 1.6% (2)
Crookston - 1.6% (2)

overall themes were an appetite to try new things, wanting programming
experiences geared toward those at coordinate campuses and for different
points in their career, and valuing being part of a network of
professional communicators.

Results for each question, listed from most to least in favor:

If we tried different, experiential formats for programs, which of the
following types of activities do you think you would attend?

Problem-solving and best practices workshops (conversation cafe,
project critique, brainstorming group, proaction cafe, visual
facilitation, etc.) - 68% (85)

b. Field trips off campus (e.g.,
going behind-the-scenes at Mayo Clinic communications, Minneapolis
Institute of Arts, etc.) - 56.8% (71)

c. Quick creative breaks on or near campus (Weisman, improv lessons, etc.) - 56% (70)

d. Book club (or club for articles, blogs, TV, film, etc. - 30.4% (38) 

e. Informal presentation opportunities (Pecha Kucha, PowerPoint Karaoke, etc.) - 28% (35)

f. Job switch/shadow for a day - 28% (35)

g. Other - 4.8% (6)
Comments included: Media consumption club, high-level speakers/industry leaders, more for coordinate campuses, job board/tips and tricks discussion

2. How would you like to hear about upcoming Communicators Forum programs and events?

a. Email - 95.2% (119)
b. UMCF newsletter - 28.8% (36) 
c. Facebook - 24% (30)
d. UMN calendar - 18.4% (23)
e. UMCF website - 16% (20) 
f. UMCF blog - 9.6% (12)
g. Twitter - 8% (10)
h. Other - Comments: Annual schedule? 

3. Which factors are important when deciding if you will attend a Communicators Forum program?

a. Topic - 93.6% (117)
b. Location - 69.6% (87))
c. Advance notice - 61.6% (77)
d. Specific time of day - 47.2% (59)
e. Supervisor approval - 11.2% (14)
f. Other - 4% (5)
Comments largely about whether the topic is compelling, interesting, and relevant enough. Length of program also a factor (longer more apt to come), workload, and if can attend through UMConnect.

4. What do you value most about being a Communicators Forum member?

a. Being part of a network of professional communicators - 66.4% (83)
b. Regular learning opportunities through monthly programs (free to members) - 56% (70)
c. Listserv subscription (members-only) - 50.4% (63)
d. Annual conference - 48% (60)
e. Ongoing UMCF communications (newsletter, blog, website, social media) - 32% (40)
f. Awards competition (only members can enter) - 6.4% (8) 
g. Other - 2.4% (3)
Comments include: Promoting quality and community, advocacy for profession at U.

5. What would improve your experience of being a Communicators Forum member?

a. Access to shared resources (e.g., vendor referral tool, lynda.com subscription, online resource/reference library) - 60.8% (76)
b. Communications toolkit for all members - 54.5% (68)
c. Communications advice column in blog/monthly newsletter (Ask a Communicator...) - 40% (50)
d. Different types of regular programs/events - 38.4% (48)
e. More informal networking opportunities - 26.4% (33) 
Sharing member news in UMCF newsletter (e.g., welcome new members;
member-submitted items like role changes, accomplishments,
presentations, etc.) - 22.4% (28) 
g. Other - 3.2% (4)
Comments include: more programs broadcast on the web, more recognition of graphic design aspect of communications, job boards for new communications openings at the U beyond just the listserv, lynda.com shared subscription and member news good ideas.

6. Please describe any new awards categories you'd like to see for the Maroon and Gold Awards.

Ideas included:

Several for more web categories, including mobile web design, user experience, web sections, websites of different sizes, web systems/infrastructure/web planning, integrated print and web/campaign

Award for the communicator's boss, faculty member, mentor - someone who encouraged a communicator or communications team - showcasing how the communicator is a resource to the unit

Awards related to advancing the U's mission / brand - not just "good" but accomplishing specific outcomes for the University

Category for non-members

Something geared toward academic departments

Other specific category ideas including: Before and after, strategic communications initiative, organizational change initiative, strategy and planning, events, invitations, announcements, greeting cards, illustration, signage, photography, logo, best concept that didn't get produced, short videos produced entirely within an office (not contracted)
7. Anything else you'd like to share?

Comments included:

Several comments about need for gearing programs to coordinate campus participants, that the Forum is Twin Cities-focused

Several things about gearing things toward people at different points in their career, too much emphasis on new communicators

Several comments appreciating opportunity to provide input, like being part of network

Several comments on awards - step-by-step how did a past award winner do, ceremony too skewed to same recipients, not a fan of the awards

Specific feedback such as "how to cancel" event attendance blurb on website;  look forward to annual meeting; past list of speaker presentations; more sessions with U Relations/other good communicators on how they are appealing to U core mission/President's strategic plan; get monthly event notifications out sooner; liked the U Archives/Land grant exhibit program with tour of displays and history focus; working with the Foundation; speaker ideas: Lee Aase/Mayo Clinic, Jason Lardy/Nomad Marketing; having Forum leaders circulate at social time at events to introduce people; class for communicators on making engaging short videos; quick and dirty InDesign tricks for fliers and other technical skills.

Those are the survey results... Feel free to add anything new you think of or respond to the feedback by commenting on this post!

Monday, December 10, 2012

Encouraging Workplace Innovation

It is easy to get caught up in the daily grind, which leaves little time to evaluate how
inefficient we have become. I think it is time we all take a step back
and think about how we can be more innovative in both our personal and
professional lives.

This article "Three ideas for encouraging workplace innovation" might help you kick-start innovations in your work. There is no better time than now, right?


Thursday, December 6, 2012

Color of the year

pantone.jpgPantone announced the color of the year for 2013 today: emerald (17-5641 for those of you who like to be exact about this kind of thing). Those of us who prefer green may be a little smug about this announcement, but...does it really mean anything? Will we start seeing more designs using this color that purportedly "enhances our sense of well-being further by inspiring insight as well as promoting balance and harmony?"

Is it more than a marketing tool? Is it fun, regardless? Would you have picked something else?

Monday, December 3, 2012

Papal Tweets

Only the Pope could start a Twitter account, not post a single tweet, and still have 116,859 followers (as of this posting). He's barely begun his social media journey, but could it be that he's already having trouble "feeding the beast"?

What suggestions do you have for the Pope, or anyone else who is considering starting a Twitter account? How should they keep it fresh, on message, interesting? I'd love to see your comments.