Monday, October 25, 2010

Does your website wear its underwear on the outside?

In a recent article by Meghan Casey from Brain Traffic, 4 Web projects content management can solve, she outlines common Web disasters and helpful solutions. But one problem in, stuck out: the issue of underpants on the outside.

What does this mean? Casey defines it as:

1. When a website is organized the way the company is organized, but not the way users might navigate the content.

2. When it's evident that departments/leadership are fighting for prime space on the homepage, without considering users' needs or what will drive results.

Whether your "underwear" takes the form of a lengthy letter from the department head that no one will read or a crowded homepage no one can navigate--most likely, we've all encountered these paralyzing issues at some point.

Casey suggests content strategy as a way to combat this. How have you overcome this problem?

1 comment:

  1. This is a memorable way to put a struggle communicators constantly face!
