Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Message from the chair

Hello communicators!

There's a Communicators Forum website, a blog, regular events, social media, and now a Google Group. So why do we have a newsletter?

To share highlights of what's happening in one juicy, scannable email: upcoming opportunities to engage, what's new on the blog, and what the board and committees are planning. We want to keep you in the know, and provide an easy way for you to share with others. Feel welcome to forward this newsletter to colleagues to let them know about the Forum.

So... what's happening with the Forum board and committees?
--The technology committee has updated the FORUM-C listserv to a Google Group, so you can control your own settings and reference past posts.
--The program committee has planned several programs -- including kicking something off this month for the Events Circle -- and is looking ahead for the year. Want a say in what programs happen? Provide your input on this survey by Wednesday, October 9.
--The marketing and promotions committee has been representing the Communicators Forum at the U's new employee orientation, and has started planning for the member appreciation event and awards celebration this spring.
--The conference committee had their first meeting to plan this year's conference: Craft the future, June 19, 2014.
--The awards committee is looking at revising categories this year to better align with the type of work communicators are doing these days.
--And more: Member profiles on the blog every month, special brownbag Oct. 24 on the U's new "portal," reaching out to system campus communicators to better engage, exploring an upgrade of the Communicators Forum website, design concept for the Craft the future theme, and of course updates on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and the blog

And that's just off the top of my head! If you want to know more or get involved, reach out to the related contact on the board of directors

I hope to see you at an upcoming program and your tiny picture on Google Group messages. And, if you are looking for the place to be, where it is truly at, look no further than the next nacho-fueled monthly mixer on Thursday, November 7, 3:30-5:30 p.m. at the Campus Club.

Rebecca Noran, chair, Communicators Forum, 2013-14

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