Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Writing for the web: When an "F" pattern = Fail

Something within me wants to believe that writing for the web is really no different from writing for any other medium. The key to all writing, in the end, has to be quality. The key to all everything, in the end, has to be quality. And so very often I tell myself,
that if people
are reading
things on the
web in an "F"
pattern, then
perhaps what
we're reading isn't worth the time that it took to read. Perhaps
what we're reading isn't worth the time that it took to create.
Maybe, we're wasting our minds away with quantity and meaning-
less drivel to
satisfy some
some compul-
sion external to...
what we'd
write about
if we cared.
Maybe if we
wrote about
things, readers
would read
in another
Maybe they'd
read an "O"...
maybe "F"
equals FAIL
More on this
in a later post.

In the meantime,
here's some interesting
thought on the matter.

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