Thursday, March 27, 2014

Member profile: Ashley Piediscalzi

Multimedia Designer in Creative Services, University Relations 

Started working at the University in 2006 and has been in her current role since 2011. 

UMCF member since 2006. 

Connect with Ashley online: 
Ashley Piediscalzi
What brought you to your current job? 
I was very eager to experience a work culture that was devoted to communications and communicators. University Relations has given me an opportunity to not only feel safe and supported as a designer, but it has also allowed me to grow and excel with new multimedia opportunities.

What is your favorite aspect of your job?
I am very lucky to work in a flexible environment that is very supportive of differing work styles. As a creative, I excel with a fluid work schedule that allows for mobility and sometimes unorthodox work hours. (Some of my most productive and creative times are in the evenings). So I am most grateful to work for and with colleagues that support and inspire our differences so we can all come together in the end to do our best work.
What excites you about working at the University of Minnesota and for University Relations?
I love working at the U of M for all the obvious reasons, but most especially for the optimism, energy, and creativity of the students. 

What is your dream job (besides the one you have!)?
I am a volunteer with the Twin Cities-based Animal Rights Coalition. As of late, most of my free time has been spent with these amazing people, who are trying to save the world one animal at a time. My dream job would be to do this kind of work everyday for the rest of my life--whether that's designing a social media graphic, handing out pamphlets, or holding up a protest sign.

Motto or personal mantra:
"Be the change you want to see in the world." --Gandhi

I'm happiest when:
I'm with my rescue dogs--Coraline, Jessie, and Tula.

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