Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Member profile: Jacqueline Brudlos

Jacqueline Brudlos
Communications Manager for Parking and Transportation Services

Started at the University of Minnesota in December, 2001.

UMCF member since 2001. My boss at the time, Lori Ann Vicich, was a big supporter of the organization. She believed in the value of communicators networking with others on campus.

Connect with Jacqueline online:

Tell us about one of the coolest projects you've worked on for your job at the University of Minnesota?   

Grand openings are always a lot of work, but they are an opportunity to be really creative. When Parking and Transportation Services brought car-sharing to campus in 2006, our small committee brainstormed ways to make a splash on campus with this kick-off. What did we do? We hired an ice sculptor to carve a car out of ice on Coffman's Front Plaza. The Star Tribune, Pioneer Press, KSTP, WCCO, KARE and Minnesota Daily all sent people to cover the event/story. The successful launch ensured that a majority of students, staff and faculty heard the name Zipcar.  

What is your best/more amusing U-related memory? 

When the Metrodome collapsed in December of 2010, the University had several meetings with the Vikings. I was invited to one of the transportation planning meetings at the last minute. Without thinking, I grabbed my coat and walked into the meeting in my Green Bay Packers jacket surrounded by Vikings communications staff. I'm still surprised that no one made a joke. It was professional, I understand that.  But come on; that was a golden opportunity for a rivalry jab!

What is your favorite place on campus?  

I love to eat! Campus Pizza has the best calzone I've eaten IN MY LIFE and Big Ten Restaurant has fabulous onion rings. For a stunning view of East Bank, you can't go wrong with the fourth floor of Coffman at the Campus Club. I also love a quiet, contemplative moment in the glass elevator in McNamara; I find the mechanics to be fascinating.

Your hometown and the first place you lived after leaving your hometown? 

I grew up in a small town -- Dodgeville, Wisconsin with a population of 4,500 people. After graduating high school with a class of 88 people, I went to St. Cloud State University ("the big city"). I never would've imagined my life bringing me into the heart of Minneapolis with so many people around me.

Some of my favorite things

Favorite author: Kristin Hannah 

Favorite book: a tie between The Bridge Across Forever: A Love Story by Richard Bach and A Knight in Shining Armor by Jude Deveraux  

Favorite classic: Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte

Favorite website: alpha-shade.com (my artist husband's Web-comic) and for fun/nostalgic purposes, homestarrunner.com
Favorite brand? Hard Rock Cafe (I have their t-shirts from Atlanta, Las Vegas, New York, London, and Bahrain)

Favorite food and drink? Crab legs and Coca-cola

Favorite current TV show: "Person of Interest"

Favorite TV show of all time: "Beauty and the Beast" with Linda Hamilton and Ron Perlman

Favorite movie: tie between Casablanca and Titanic

Favorite musician or band: Storyhill 

The Top 3 highlights of my life: 

Marrying my wonderful husband Joe; white-water rafting in Idaho with a good friend; and skydiving with the University of Minnesota sky-diving club.

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