Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Social media: conversation, not directives

The judges for last year's Maroon & Gold Awards were underwhelmed with how University communicators were using social media. Their comments could be summed up by saying that they feel we who are using Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube need to start thinking of those formats as ways to communicate back and forth, not as one-way conversations with our audiences.

As I look at how my colleagues have been using these media during the past year, I would say we've made great strides in that direction. I'm not on the Awards Committee this year so haven't seen the entries, but my guess is the judges gave higher marks this year for all the great social media work that's been done.

Here's an article that I think makes some good, basic points about social media and how to best use it: http://tinyurl.com/4at2gr4.

1 comment:

  1. Presumably this was in a "social media" category? I don't recall that category.
