Monday, January 31, 2011

You're Gonna Love This

Like probably maybe most of you, I receive several forwards a day from
friends and fellow designers, who freely declare, "you're gonna love this." And while
I'd heard of tilt-shift photography,
I'd never seen the technique applied to art. Here, a select few Van Gogh paintings, many of which I know
well and admire greatly, are dramatically transformed with the tilt-shift treatment.

It was as if I was experiencing them if for the first time. And since
then, I've not stopped thinking about this dreamy perspective or how I wish I could travel at a slant into all
the paintings at the MIA.

Try your hand at the tilt-shift technique in Photoshop


  1. This is fantastic! Definitely going to try the tilt-shift technique soon.

  2. Awesome. I've seen this before, but the painting examples really make you dive into the Van Gogh. Where's The Scream? This is probably the first good thing to come of 3D.

  3. Oh wait, that was Munch...nevermind.
