Thursday, November 11, 2010

Watching my fingers dance across the keyboard

I'm editing my department's newsletter today, and going through the spell-check. I'm constantly surprised at how often I mis-type certain words.

This is not the same as mis-spelling certain words. Like many people, I have to remind myself of the "i before e except after c" rule when I spell words like "receive." In another case this week, I was writing a story and, for the life of me, I could not remember how to spell "drought." Was it "draught?" Nope, that's British. It couldn't be "drout," that just looked wrong. I had to look it up and then slap my forehead afterward, trying to get my brain back on track.

Mis-typed words are another case. I can't tell you how often I review an email and find a "teh" for "the." Or how about those sneaky snafus that the spell check doesn't get, like typing "form" for "from?" Personally, I am consistently amazed that, after two years of working at a university, I type "univeristy" almost every time. Grrr.

Well, what about you? Which words trip you up when you type? 

1 comment:

  1. I always worry about typos that make different words. Like 'works' instead of 'words.' Or dropping the L in public. Spell check never seems to catch those.
