Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Eternal doodle of the focused mind

They say it's lazy, inattentive, and immature. And despite our best efforts to explain the contrary, some people find the evidence in the seemingly innocent vine motifs on our notebooks. The truth is--we are paying attention. Really. Doodling: it's just what we do.

As a creative in a non-creative industry, I struggle to find a balance between my mode of listening and learning and others' perception of it. Quite simply, drawing helps me think. But in mixed company, I avoid the guilty doodle. Instead I assume the role of the consummate student--arms folded and eyes peeled. But don't be fooled, I'm most likely trying to remember the name of that guy, you know, the one who was in that movie...

1 comment:

  1. Ashley, I can relate completely on doodling and anyone who has ever worked with or taken a class with me knows I am an obsessive doodler. I heard an expert of somesuch speak on this and say that doodling helps keep your brain engaged and alert. So instead of zoning out, the doodling keeps us in the moment.
