Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Invasion of the pie charts

I thought it would be fun to revisit your responses to the Friday polls with the help of a few trusty pie charts (based on responses received up to last night). Enjoy these completely unscientific insights into the Forum membership.










Monday, December 28, 2009

Monday link roundup, 12.28.09

Every Monday we'll post a roundup of interesting communications news and articles. What have you been reading, listening to, and watching? Add a comment or suggest a link for next week.



  • The Book Cover Archive
    "for the appreciation and categorization of excellence in book cover design." I'm especially loving the cover of You Are Not A Gadget (pictured).

  • The Color of 2010
    Make way for Pantone 15-5519 TCX


Friday, December 18, 2009

Query: What are you cooking?

121809.jpgNo matter your religious or non-religious leanings, chances are there is a lot of food around you lately.

I am not a prolific cook, so to any given event I'll probably bring one of three things I know I'm good at: chocolate chip and oatmeal cookies, black bean dip, or dill and soy burgers.

What are your potluck specialties? Can you share a favorite recipe?

Monday, December 14, 2009

Event Planning Online: 14 Essential Social Media Tools

Here's a cool posting from Mashable about using social media for event planning--from managing the planning of your event to invitations, marketing to enhancing the guests' experience.

Event Planning Online: 14 Essential Social Media Tools

Link Roundup

Every week we post a roundup of interesting articles, links, etc., relating
to communications-focused topics. What have you been reading, listening
to, and watching? Add a comment or suggest a link for next week.

I've had design on the mind lately and here are a few ideas moments of inspiration:

The NY Times Opinionator Allison Arieff's posts are great but infrequent.

The SF Gate's Day in Pictures makes me think about composition.

When I want to try some new fonts, I play around something from: Font Squirrel.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Link roundup

Every week we post a roundup of interesting articles, links, etc..., relating to communications-focused topics. What have you been reading, listening to, and watching? Add a comment or suggest a link for next week.


Here are a few ideas:

E-mail sign-up done right

Brain Traffic's blog talks a lot about content and the Web.

Check out slides from a Mima social media presentation:

Monday, December 7, 2009

Celebrities and Grammar

We editors try to conceal it but we are always noticing your grammar flaws! We stop short of correcting your emails using the "track changes" function and then sending them back, but we do it in our heads nevertheless - we can't help ourselves. However, as in the rest of life, celebrities are fair game for open scrutiny, especially when particularly well paid, secretive, or powerful.

The king of the celebrity gaffe was of course George Bush. How we miss him! See a top-20 list.

President Obama's speaking abilities are of course very good but his sentences are not always perfect. Here's one diagrammed for us in the Huffington Post:

Even those of us who following closely the recent trouble in Tiger Woods' family may not have caught this praise for his (or his publicist's) excellent command of grammar under pressure.

Do you have any examples of humorously bad or startlingly good grammar? Dish -- please!
