Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Communities of Practice Expo hosted by Project and Change Management Collaborators (PCMC)

Thursday, January 9, 1-2:30 p.m.
312 Science Teaching & Student Services Building (STSS)

*While this event is not hosted by the University of Minnesota Communicators Forum (UMCF), they will be represented at the event.*
The Communities of Practice Expo hosted by Project and Change Management Collaborators is a professional development and networking opportunity for anyone interested in community leadership or participation at the University.

How can communities of practice around the University learn from each other? The goal of the session is -- through collaborative, small group discussions -- to develop and share best practices for organizing in a decentralized environment. Discussion topics include generating communities to solve problems, sustaining communities over time, and understanding when a community should dismantle.    

Tables hosted by leaders from University communities of practice including Communicators Forum, PCMC, Art of Hosting, Enterprise Systems Upgrade Project, Government and Community Relations, IT@UMN, and other IT communities of practice.

Message from the chair - January 2014

Hello communicators!

It's 2014, it's January, and even though it's unbelievably cold, you can start your Communicators Forum year off right with these three steps.

1. Attend the Communities of Practice Expo this Thursday, Jan. 9, 1-2:30 p.m. The Communicators Forum was formed in 1986 by a small group of communicators who took a hard look at opportunities for professional development and decided they needed more. This type of grassroots professional development and organizing around initiatives can be a rewarding part of working at the U. Another grassroots group, the Project and Change Management Collaborators (PCMC), invites you to a special event about University "communities of practice" with discussion tables hosted by group leaders. I'm looking forward to it. Details below. 

2. Think about what you want to enter in the 2014 Maroon and Gold Awards for Communications Excellence. The entry process will take place in March. More to come soon on the updated categories, including a new one for "innovator," but for now start asking yourself and colleagues: What is our best work from this past year?

3. Encourage someone who is not a member to join now. Did they let their membership lapse? No problem, it's easy to renew. There's a lot ahead for members like you in 2014. Monthly programs = for members. Awards = need to be a member to enter. Every month members are profiled on the blog. Who's on the Google group to receive and send insider emails? Members. The Member Appreciation Event on May 28 = a special time... for members. Communicators Forum Conference on June 19 = you must be a member to register. So why wait?

Rebecca Noran, chair, Communicators Forum, 2013-14 

Friday, January 3, 2014

Member profile: Sarah Oslund

Director of Communications and Public Relations, University of Minnesota Rochester (UMR)

Started at the University on July 28, 2008.

Sarah was nominated by Todd Reubold.

Connect with Sarah online:
Twitter: @sarahoslund
LinkedIn: Sarah Oslund

What excites you about working at the University of Minnesota Rochester (UMR)?
I love the unique nature of what's happening at UMR and in Rochester. Not only does UMR collaborate institutionally with the assets of Rochester to meet the needs of our students, but we are working hand-in-hand with the city, Mayo Clinic, and others to position Rochester as a destination for students, workers, and visitors. In the twelve years I've been in Rochester (almost six of those at UMR), it's been so rewarding to see the downtown become more and more vibrant. People can no longer say "there's nothing to do here."

Tell us about one of the coolest projects you've worked on for your job at the U?   
I've been told I have control issues (what?!) so having the opportunity to solely develop and manage UMR's mascot selection and naming campaigns was a dream for me... Community-wide reveal events, logo development, trademark and licensing, social media campaigns... it was one of the biggest and most enjoyable projects I have had the opportunity to manage in my time at UMR.

What is your best/more amusing U-related memory?
I spent months working toward the reveal of our mascot in 2009, engaging over 3000 people in text and social media campaigns, conducting focus groups about what attributes we did and did not want our mascot to exhibit, etc. By the night of the actual reveal, I had only one job left: on the Chancellor's cue, unclip the banner hiding the chosen mascot to reveal the new mascot and logo. The Chancellor was mid-sentence when I decided to make sure the clips were securely fastened and, incidentally, dropped the banner to the stage, revealing the new UMR mascot and logo to the hundreds in the audience but leaving the Chancellor, with his back still to the banner, clueless that there was no longer a cue needed. It was not my finest moment. Fortunately, he has a great sense of humor and rolled with it. I still get grief today from him, the students, and staff though.

My hometown:
Waldorf, Minnesota. Population: 179.
My dream job (besides the one I have!):
My college roommate and I have a shared dream: we are moving to Madeline Island to co-write a screenplay about the Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald.

Motto or personal mantra:
Make yourself happy. No one is going to do it for you. - Jodi Kelling (my sister who is 20 years my senior)

I'm happiest when:
I'm at our cabin in Chetek, Wisconsin. It is my own slice of heaven.

My favorites:

Favorite source of inspiration:
Pinterest. I'm an addict.

Word that annoys me:
"Glad" - why can't people just say "happy???"

Favorite food and drink:
Pizza and red wine

Favorite TV show and movie:
TV Show - Sons of Anarchy; Movies - Almost Famous and National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation

Favorite musician or band:
Toss-up between Stevie Nicks/Fleetwood Mac and Stone Temple Pilots

Favorite place on Earth:
Madeline Island

Pet peeves:

People who don't use the Oxford comma. And gum chewing.