Hello communicators!
There's a lot going on. All the time. The close of 2013 is near. So near, people. I mean, it's December, it's snowing and everything. Ever wish you could just press pause?
Communications need breathing room. The "white space" in design. The time to take stock of what you've done and plan for what's next, to focus on what needs to be done and you know, do it. The creative brain time to read an article, attend a program, watch a video (try this from artist Jeff Scher), sketch or jot or type ideas.
Before 2013 ends and a new year begins, while you are go-go-go, go ahead when you need it to be a strong communicator (and happy human) and: press pause.
Up for some reflecting and thoughtful perspective offering? Take the opportunity to give feedback on two U-wide communications initiatives:
- News on the U portal has moved forward since the helpful Communicators Forum program in October, a rough draft is available and accepting feedback in December.
- Web header and footer: University Relations is providing an opportunity for input on changes that will need to be made to the U header and footer required on all University of Minnesota websites; share your input on this short survey by Dec. 9.
There's a lot going on with your Communicators Forum board and committees, too, so we'll take that moment to take stock. Here's some of what we've been up to in programs:
- Thanks to November's program, more communicators are ready for an emergency. Maybe you missed the program, but you didn't miss out! Find the handout and recording from the most recent program emergency preparedness.
- Monthly Mixer at the Campus Club is this Thursday, Dec. 5, 3:30-5:30 p.m., RSVP here. Save the date for the next one: Jan. 2. The nachos will be waiting!
- Work with or interested in events planning? The Events Circle officially kicks off this month with a Dec. 9 program on working with University Dining Services. (And events planners know the value of an RSVP -- food will be served, space limited.)
...and in other news:
- Awards alert: Look for Maroon and Gold Awards information to be announced early in 2014, including a new "innovator" category; submission process will be in March.
- Our email list transitioned to a Google Group; email the member community at FORUM-C@umn.edu
- We'll be doing a member drive in January and February to share the benefits of joining; a presence at new employee orientation continues throughout the year.
- In the works: We've connected with communicators at Crookston, Duluth, Morris, and Rochester campuses to explore opportunities beyond the Twin Cities and better serve their needs, and have started plans to revise the Communicators Forum website--stay tuned!
- Planning has picked up for the May 28 member appreciation event (Weisman) and June 19 annual conference (Carlson).
Can't make a monthly program? They are recorded for your post-event viewing pleasure, find recordings on the events page.
Have a great rest of 2013, communicators!
Rebecca Noran, chair, Communicators Forum, 2013-14